Opening of the Holy Door in Aleppo, Syria

Saturday, December 12 marked the date for the Opening of the Holy Door in Aleppo, Syria. His Excellency Bishop George Abu Khazen, bishop of the Latin Vicariate for Syria, who resides in Aleppo, presided over the ceremony in St. Francis Church in Azizie. Together with him where bishops from the other Catholic Rites. During the […]

Taking of the Habit in Italy

“The habit is the means to constantly remind yourself of your commitment which contrasts with the spirit of the world” (Saint John Paul II) OnDecember 7, 2014, six novices of the Institute Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará, received the religious habit with which they express their desire to live in total […]

Vita Consecrata – 6 of 10 – What is the Vow of Obedience? The sixth video in the series, Vita Consecrata – 6 of 10 – What is the Vow of Obedience?, highlights passages from #91 of Vita Consecrata. SSVMUSA ( presents a ten-part series of short videos highlighting selections from Vita Consecrata, Pope John Paul II’s 1996 Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation “On the Consecrated Life and its […]

80 Youth from the Dioceses of Luxemburg on Pilgrimage in Assisi with Mons. Jean-Claude Hollerich from the 17th to the 31st of July, 2015

(Photogallery) With the motto “Laudato Si” Sisters Maria Madre Celestial and Maria Czestochowa participated in a pilgrimage to Assisi guided by Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich and in which 80 people participated including youth and leaders. St. Francis came from a wealthy family- his father sold fabric- and lived a carefree childhood and youth, cultivating ideas of […]