Father Carlos Miguel Buela, IVEBorn in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1941, Father Carlos Miguel Buela was ordained to the priesthood on October 7, 1971, Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.

During his years as a seminarian and young priest, Fr. Buela was influenced through his reading and contact with some of Argentina’s great Catholic intellectuals, notably Fr. Julio Meinvielle and Fr. Leonardo Castellani. After ten years as a diocesan priest working in youth ministry and parish work, he received the foundational grace in 1981, inspiring him to found a religious order of missionaries.

Three years later, on March 25, 1984, Fr. Buela founded the Institute of the Incarnate Word, the priests, in the diocese of San Rafael, Mendoza. He founded the sisters, the Institute Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará, on March 19, 1988. The two institutes share twin constitutions and both have monasteries dedicated to contemplative life.

Together with the laity of our Third Order, all the members of the Religious Family of the Incarnate Word share the same charism: the prolongation of the Incarnation of the Word of God in all the manifestations of the human person. Our specific aim is the evangelization of the culture. The two institutes of religious life have approximately 1600 members who are working in missions around the world.

Fr. Buela’s writings are comprised of numerous articles, homilies, and books, including the prize-winning Jóvenes en el Tercer Milenio (Youth in the Third Millennium); Catecismo de los Jóvenes (Catechism for Youth); Modernos ataques contra la familia (Modern Attacks on the Family); Sacerdotes para siempre (Priests Forever), and Pan de Vida Eterna y Cáliz de Eterna Salvación (Bread of Eternal Life and Chalice of Eternal Salvation). Audio files (WMA) of some of his lectures and homilies are also available in Spanish for free download.