The mission which the Church received from the Apostles is a universal mission that has no boundaries concerning salvation in all its aspects, in accordance with the fullness of life that Christ came to bring. Above all, it is the missionary activity we call mission “ad gentes” and that it is a primary activity of the Church, essential and never-ending. Indeed, the Church cannot withdraw “her ongoing mission of bringing the gospel to the multitudes -the millions and millions of men and women-who as yet do not know Christ the Redeemer of humanity.” [1]
Therefore, our Religious Family wants to carry out the mandate of Christ “to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth.” [2]
“Not withstanding the high number of dioceses, there are still very large areas where there are no local churches or where their number is insufficient in relation to the vastness of the territory and the density of the population. There is still much to be done in implanting and developing the Church. This phase of ecclesial history, called the plantatio Ecclesiae, has not reached its end; indeed, for much of the human race it has yet to begin.
Responsibility for this task belongs to the universal Church and to the particular churches, to the whole people of God and to all its missionary forces. Every church, even one made up of recent converts, is missionary by its very nature, and is both evangelized and evangelizing. Faith must always be presented as a gift of God to be lived out in community (families, parishes, associations), and to be extended to others through witness in word and deed.” [3]
“The number of those who do not know Christ and do not belong to the Church is constantly on the increase. Indeed, since the end of the Council it has almost doubled. When we consider this immense portion of humanity which is loved by the Father and for whom he sent his Son, the urgency of the Church’s mission is obvious.”[4] [5]
“The renewed impulse to the mission ad gentes demands holy missionaries. It is not enough to update pastoral techniques, organize and coordinate ecclesial resources, or delve more deeply into the biblical and theological foundations of faith. What is needed is the encouragement of a new “ardor for holiness” among missionaries and throughout the Christian community, especially among those who work most closely with missionaries”[6]. “The missionary must be a ‘contemplative in action.’ He finds answers to problems in the light of God’s word and in personal and community prayer”[7].[8]
[4] Carta encíclica Redemptoris missio, 3.