Perpetual vows profession – Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

During the months of August and September, our Institute was blessed to have 9 sisters profess perpetual vows.   In “The religious life, through which we surrender ourselves totally to the service of God, wherein perfection lies, consists principally in the fulfilling of three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, driven by charity (Const. 48)”. The […]

Pilgrimage of Our Lady of Luján in the Province of the Immaculate Conception – 2021

Our Lady of Lujan, Queen and Patroness of our Religious Family Celebrations were held around the Province of the Immaculate Conception including a provincial walking pilgrimage from the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton shrine to the Lourdes Grotto in Emmitsburg. We renewed our Marian Consecration along with our Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Taking of the Habit in Italy

“The habit is the means to constantly remind yourself of your commitment which contrasts with the spirit of the world” (Saint John Paul II) OnDecember 7, 2014, six novices of the Institute Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará, received the religious habit with which they express their desire to live in total […]