We believe that our spirituality should be profoundly marked by the mystery of the Incarnation in its many aspects:
We want to be anchored in the sacrosanct mystery of the Incarnation which is “the first and go fundamental mystery of Jesus Christ,” (Bl. John Paul II)actually present. From this mystery we want to set out fervently to restore all things in Christ (Eph 1:10). We want to be another Incarnation of the Word so as to incarnate Him in all humanity.
Our religion “is a doctrine, but is above all an event: the event of the Incarnation, Jesus, the God-Man who recapitulated in himself the universe.(Cf. Eph 1,10)” (Bl. John Paul II).
We always want to draw out new light and strength from the redeeming Incarnation, since Jesus Christ is the inexhaustible source of Being, Truth, Kindness, Beauty, Life and Love.
Why are we rooted in the mystery of the Incarnation?
We want to live the virtues of transcendence fervently: faith, hope and charity, in order to be the salt… to be the light (Mt 5:13ff) so as not to be of the world. We want to fervently live the virtues of self-denial: humility, justice, sacrifice, poverty, pain, obedience and merciful love… – in a word, take up the cross (Cf. Mt 16:24).
It is necessary to be in the world (Cf. Jn 17:11) and, in Christ, to assume all that is human, since “what is not assumed is not redeemed,” (Saint Irenaeus)and “becomes a new idol replete with all the old malicious cunning.”
To permeate the cultures with the Gospel, we specially consider fundamental elements such as the teachings of the pastoral Constitutions on the Church in the modern world, Gaudium et Spes from the Second Vatican Council, the Apostolic Exhortations Evangelii nuntiandiand Catechesi Tradendae, John Paul II’s speech to the UNESCOand others on the same subject, the Document of Puebla, the Encyclical Letter Slavorum Apostoli, the Encyclical letter Redemptoris missio, the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis, n.55,c. and any forthcoming directives, orientations and teachings of the Magisterium of the Church that may arise on the specific end of our small religious family.