Works of MercyOur religious family seeks to be another prolongation of the Incarnate Word, “to incarnate all that is authentically human” (Const., 36).  Through the humble works of mercy we seek:

  • To continue revealing to men the merciful love of God for mankind, and continue to incarnate Him through all kinds of works of charity, and thereby alleviate many of the ills of the modern man. Also that by the witness of charity, many brothers may know God: “that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Mt 5:16).
  • To love God, manifesting it in the concrete love of the brethren, as this is the only possible way to love God, just as Jesus taught us.  This is also affirmed by the apostle, “he who says that he loves God, but does not love his neighbor is a liar “(cf. 1 Jn 4:20).

We thus want to follow in the footsteps of the Incarnate Word who came to redeem us of sin.  He passed through this world healing men of their physical and spiritual miseries, explicitly showing His mercy and His love for the Father.

“Christ is the revelation and incarnation of the mercy of the Father” (John Paul II, RM 12). He Reveals and embodies the mercy of God through the greatest work of mercy, which is the redemption of mankind by the blood of His cross, that destroys the root of all evil, which is sin.

Works of MercySummarizing what should be our spirit in the practice of the works of mercy called “body”, we remember the exhortation of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta: “We are not here for work, we are here for Jesus. Above all, we are religious, not social workers, teachers, nurses, doctors. We serve Jesus in the poor and all that we do is for Him. Our life has no other meaning. This is one thing that many do not understand. We serve Jesus 24 hours of the day and He gives us strength.  We love Him in the poor, and the poor with Him, but the Lord is always first.”

We must also focus on the poor, sick, and needy of every kind: the love of Christ controls us (2 Cor 5:14) specifically practicing charity, as a witness first to all members of our institutes, so that “charity, charity alone will save the world.  Blessed are those who have the grace to be victims of charity.”[1]  Furthermore, charity is essential to evangelize the culture as the goal of the that work and the end of the work, otherwise it will not be achieved “the civilization of love”[2].[3]

 [1] San Luis Orione, Saludo natalicio de 1934, citado en En Camino con Don Orione, Ed. Pcia. Nuestra Señora de la Guardia, 1974, T. I, p. 96.

 [2] Pablo VI, Homilía en el rito de clausura del Año Santo (25/12/1975); AAS 68 (1976) 145; passim.

 [3] Constituciones, 147