“Before God, and all the saints, I make a vow forever to live chaste, poor, and obedient, in order to follow the Incarnate Word more intimately”
(Constitutions, 257)
We give thanks to God for the Silver Jubilee of religious profession of 22 sisters, who being faithful to Christ’s missionary mandate have taken the Gospel throughout the world, done so in a special way as founders of the first missions of our congregation, tracing the way for us to also embrace the missionary adventure knowing that it is Jesus himself who tells us Duc in altum! (Lk 5:4).
In thanksgiving for the grace of perseverance, the sisters celebrating their 25th anniversary, who for the most part had not seen one another since their first profession, made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land where they celebrated Holy Week and Easter. We continue to keep them in our prayers, and we eagerly await the graces that will come through their fidelity.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
25th Anniversary of First Profession:
- María Corredentora
- María de la Consolata
- María de la Epifanía
- María Francisca Xavier
- María del Milagro
- María del Cielo
- Maríade la Piedad
- Maríade las Lágrimas
- María Magdalena
- María Sponsa Verbi
- María del Cenáculo
- Maríade la Anunciación
- Maríadel Río Blanco
- Maríade Lluc
- Maríade Betania
- Maríade Guadalupe
- Maríade las Virtudes
- María Mater Ecclesiae
- María Madre de Dios
- Maríadel Alba
- Maríadel Corazón de Jesús
- †María Inés de Jesús