
New Foundations of the Servidoras

Dear all,

Through this communication, we wish to announce with great joy that by the grace of God, we have been able to establish two new foundations of the Servidoras in Spain, and one in Brazil.  These are the following communities:

–          “Monastery of the Holy Sepulcher” in Alcoy, Valencia, Spain:  on February 9 we assumed a new monastic foundation; for the moment, some sisters from the Province of Spain are taking turns to maintain the religious presence and Eucharistic worship of the Holy Mass and adoration in this monastery, which is the only presence of cloistered religious in the city of Alcoy.  This place has noteworthy religious value, for there had occurred a miracle with an image of the Child Jesus, now kept in the church of the convent. This new community will have St. John of Ribera as its patron.


–         “Community Our Lady of Fátima” in the Diocese of Osasco (Province of San Pablo), Brazil: on March 12, we were able to open this community under the patronage of Our Lady of Fátima.  The sisters will occupy themselves with parochial work in a parish dedicated to St. Joseph, as well as attend to the parish school.  The new community is comprised of Mother Maria Victima Caritatis, Sr. Maria Mãe Amável and Sr. Maria Alegria dos Mártires.


–          “Community Sister Lucía” in Pontevedra, Diocese of St. James of Compostela, Spain:  on April 1, the first Saturday of the month, we had the undeserved grace to found an apostolic community in the shrine of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Sr. Lucía.  These apparitions carry particular importance, for they make known to us the promises of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to her devotees.  These promises pertain to those who during five First Saturdays offer themselves in order to redress the most pure Heart of Mary through means of Holy Communion and Meditation of the Mysteries of the Rosary.  The sisters will dedicate themselves to caring for the Shine which is part of the route for walking the road (the “camino”) to Santiago.  The new community is comprised of Mother María de Llum de Crist and Sr. Maria Tian Shi Bao Xi.  Assisting the mission at this time is Sr. Palestina, until Sr. María de Cafarnaúm joins them.


We give thanks to God for these new foundations and to the sisters who, docile to the Will of God, have been generous in their surrender, without being evasive to the missionary adventure (Directory of Spirituality 216), allowing in this way for the evangelizing work of the Church to keep bearing fruit, cooperating with the mandate of our Lord, “Go to the whole world and announce the Gospel” (Mk 16:15).

M. María Orante
General Secretary