Blessed be Jesus, who redeemed our suffering world when we were in the bondage of sin, who has healed the world from its sickness, who has raised the dead to life, brought home the banished, restored sinners to grace, and saved man from damnation. (St. Louis-Marie de Montfort) Happy Easter! My greetings to you in […]
“In the mystery of Christ’s death and Resurrection, all is redeemed, and everything becomes once more perfectly good, according to God’s original plan.” Saint John Paul II Happy Easter! M. María Corredentora Rodriguez General Superior
“There is no greater motive for joy than the Resurrection of the Lord because his triumph is our triumph, his victory is our victory. The Paschal Mystery is the manifestation par excellence of the love of God for men: he loved them to the end (Jn 13:1). Therefore, in this mystery we must be joyful, […]
Rome, April 16, 2017 As we celebrate this Easter Feast in which Christ, the Incarnate Word, redeemed us from sin and death, may we contemplate with eyes of faith the new condition to which we have been elevated, for through Him we are transformed into new creatures and participants of the Divine nature. Best wishes […]
“With Him we are risen! (Eph 2,6) coming to ‘be by grace what He is by nature’: children of God, brothers of Christ” (Directory of Spirituality, 188). Dear Religious Family: We wish all of you a happy and fruitful Easter, Resurrection of the Lord. We entrust in our prayers each of the members of our […]