On the occasion of the celebration of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Servidoras from all over the world made their perpetual vows, with the explicit desire to follow Christ more closely in this Religious Family.
We give thanks to God for their generosity and we pray for their faithfulness.
From the following provinces, sisters made their perpetual vows:
In the Province “Our Lady of Loreto”, Italy, from the International Juniorate “Saint Teresa of Jesus” in Bagnoregio, four sisters made their perpetual vows.
A sister from the Contemplative Formation House “Beata María Vitoria de Fornari Strata”, in Genova made her perpetual vows.
In the Province “Inmaculada Concepción”, USA, two sisters made perpetual vows on the 12 of September, from the Monastery “Santa Edith Stein” en Brooklyn, New York.
On Monday, September 14th, in the IVE parish “St. John the Baptist de la Salle” in Chillum, MD, five sisters made perpetual vows.
A sister from the Province “María, Puerta de la Aurora”, Northern Europe, in the Cathedral “Our Lady of Luxemburg” made her perpetual vows.