On April 29, the universal Church celebrated the feast of Saint Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor of the Church. This great saint, so much appreciated for her exceptional contribution to the Church, has become a “model” for the faithful of the entire world[1] and her notable sanctity and eminent doctrine continues to influence in our day.
Pius II, in the Bull of Canonization, defined her, almost with prophetic words, ‘virgin of illustrious and indelible memory’; Pius IX in the year 1866, declared her the second patron of Rome; Pius X proposed her as the model of women of Catholic Action and also named her the patron; Pius XII proclaimed Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Catherine of Siena the principle patrons of Italy on the 18th of June in 1939; and the same Pope, in the memorable discourse which was pronounced in honor of the two saints on the 15th of May of 1940 in the Church of Saint Mary Above Minerva, attributed to the saint of Siena the following praise: ‘In this service of the Church, understand well, my children, that Catherine was ahead of our times, with an action that elevates the soul of the Catholic people and places them beside the ministers of the faith, herself a subject and cooperator in the diffusion and defense of the truth and the moral and social restoration of the civil life.’”[2] Finally, on the 3rd of October in 1970, Pope Paul VI proclaimed her Doctor of the Church and on the 1st of October in 1999, Saint John Paul the Great declared her Co-patron of Europe.
Moved by the example of the Popes and seeking “to form virtuous women (from “vir” and “vis”: to have the strength of men) according to the doctrine of the great masters of the spiritual life and of the saints that the Church proposes as exemplary so that we may imitate their virtues”[3]. We also want to highlight the figure of Saint Catherine of Siena as a model for the religious of our Institute.
At the beginning of the foundation of the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará, she was chosen as the patron of the first Juniorate of the Institute and under her protection our first missionaries and contemplatives were formed.
This same aspiration moves us now to propose the figure of Saint Catherine as a guide not only in the doctrinal scope but also in the other fields of formation of those who are called, purely through the grace of God, to become Spouses of Christ.
We will dedicate a year in memory of Saint Catherine of Siena, as we celebrate in 2020, the 50th anniversary of her proclamation as Doctor of the Church and 640 years of her death (1380-2020).
Below you will find the “Virtual Pilgrimage of Siena” and material about the life and doctrine of the saint.
Virtual Pilgrimage of Siena
Appendix of the virtual tour
Cronology of the Life of Saint Catherine Benincasa of Siena
The Digital book – Following the Mysticism of the Incarnate Word
Material about the life and doctrine of the saint
Good Nights
- Good Night for Friday, April 26, 2019 – 1st day of the Triduum: “Saint Catherine of Siena, the mystic of the Incarnate Word”
- Good Night for Saturday 27 April 2019 – 2nd day of the Triduum: “Saint Catherine of Siena and the works of mercy”
- Good Night for Sunday 28 April 2019 – 3rd day of the Triduum: “Saint Catherine of Siena, Spouse of Christ”
Month of Meditations of Saint Catherine of Siena
Bibliography of Saint Catherine of Siena
[1] Cf. JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Letter Amantissima Providentia, to the bishops, priests, and faithful of the Church in Italy, on the 6th centenary of the death of Saint Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor of the Church, April 29th, 1980, part I.
[2] Ibidem, conclusion.
[3] Constitutions SSVM, n. 212.