
Taking of the habit of the first Servidora in Tanzania

Dear Religious Family:

On Sunday, January, 26th, the novice, Maria Upendo wa Kristu (Mary Love of Christ) received the holy habit.  The participation of all the faithful to enhance the liturgy was noted in the decorating of the altar, songs, flowers…They were amazed for the first time of such a beautiful ceremony.

The family of Maria Upendo wa Kristu, despite the distance that separates us from their village, began travelling the previous day by a caravan of bicycles, by motorcycles and by foot, bringing with them everything needed to cook for the feast.  They worked during the night, in order, to be able to participate with devotion of the taking of the habit ceremony.

In Father’s homily, he highlighted the value of dressing in the religious habit.  The religious habit is the eloquent testimony of the Divine presence, it reminds her of her consecration to God, and that her life is hidden in Christ Jesus.  He gave four helpful councils in beginning the walk of following Christ:

  1. Who enters into the religious life should look first for holiness.
  2. Do not fear difficulties for we are with Christ.
  3. You need to benefit the time in the Novitiate in order to be filled with the spirit of the Institute, so to be faithful instruments of God’s Divine Grace in the souls that God will entrust to us.
  4. The missionary is how she is in the Novitiate; The Novitiate passes fast, a time of joy, and is a garden for every consecrated religious of which to benefit to the maximum.

We ask you for your prayers for Maria Upendo wa Kristu and for the fruits of our mission in Tanzania.

In the Incarnate Word and the Blessed Mother.

SSVM in Tanzania