We know that God grants special graces on those pilgrimages that are done for His greater glory. Especially when these are done in Shrines dedicated to the Mother of Jesus Christ. St. Louis de Montfort once said: “Therefore, the more you gain the friendship of this noble Queen and faithful Virgin the more you will […]
Dear All: We wish to share with you all the death of two of our sisters: Sr. María de July Quispe Guzman, SSVM and Sr. María of Betharram, SSVM. Saturday, November 16 at 5pm, in Guayaquil, Ecuador, Sr. María de July Quispe Guzman (Peruvian) passed away. Due to a continuous liver problem, on Tuesday, November 12th, she underwent an operation […]
From September 7th until the 23rd we had the grace to receive our General Superior, M. María Corredentora, in some communities of our Province, Our Lady of Pilar (Spain and France). Mother visited first, the communities of the Island of Tenerife, where she also made her canonical visit to the three communities. She participated in […]