Servidoras - Madrid

The Visit of Mons. Jesús Vidal Charmorro, Auxiliar Bishop of Madrid to the Provincial House of the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará in Madrid

On October 2nd, the Feast Day of the Guardian Angels, we had the grace to receive in our community Mons. Jesús Vidal Chamorro, Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid, who along with two other priests was ordained bishop in the Cathedral of Almudena on the 17th of February.
Monsignor presided the Holy Mass in our new residence, in the Third Monastery of the Visitation, together with the chaplain of the Monastery, Father José Pedro. After the Mass we had breakfast together, during which we were able to tell him about our Congregation and missions in Spain.
Monsignor seemed to be very content with our new house.