Dear all:
I greet all of you with great joy on this Solemnity of Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, and day on which we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the foundation of our Institute.
We will celebrate the Holy Mass in Rome, in the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls, presided by his Emminence Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, and with the presence of our dear friend Cardinal Angelo Sodano. All of the Servants of the Lord and members of our Religious Family, will gather in profound gratitude towards God.
The graces received from God in these years are truly countless, and the most prized of them all is having been given Saint Joseph as our special patron.
That is why, among other promises made in gratitude to the Holy Guardian of Virgins for his very efficacious and continual intercession, between all of us we will make an “offering of lilies”, placing at his feet a lily for every Servant of the Lord. We will also place in the first house of the Institute, granted by his intercession and placed under his patronage, a commemorative plaque in his honor .
In addition, in Rome in the evening, we will have the opportunity to sing Second Vespers of this Solemnity in the Church of Saint Anastasia, where the relics of the veil of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the cloak of Saint Joseph are found, brought here by Saint Jerome. In imitation of the Incarnate Word who placed himself under their care, we too will place all of our Religious Family under the protection of our Holy Mother and our beloved Saint Joseph, so that caring for us as their children we may continue with fidelity along the path of sanctity traced out for us by our Constitutions.
In a special way we will also entrust to them the 18 sisters who today will profess their final vows around the world, and the 22 sisters (including our dear sister María Inés de Jesús†) that celebrate today the Silver anniversary of their religious profession. May the spouse of Mary Most Holy, help us to be ever more like Her and teach us the fidelity of the great saints.
We remain united in prayer on this great feast,
A big hug to all!
In Christ and Mary Most Holy,
M. María Corredentora Rodriguez