Greetings for the Solemnity of Our Lady of Luján

Greetings for the Solemnity of Our Lady of Luján

Dear all,

On this Solemnity of Our Lady of Luján I cannot but express my gratitude towards the “Queen of our consecrated vocations,” who has taken care of us with true maternal love throughout our existence as a Religious Family.

May this day be particularly dedicated to honoring our Patroness with grateful hearts full of trust in her special protection, serving her as did little “Negro Manual”, with humility and rectitude of intention, knowing how to be children of this tender Mother as St. John Paul II taught: “Learn to look at the mystery that constitutes the great perspective for the destinies of men on earth, and even after death.  Know you are also sons and daughters of this Mother, whom God in His love has given to His Own Son as Mother” [1].

May the desire of the Spiritual Father of our Religious Family, as expressed in his historic visit to the Basilica of Luján in 1982, be fulfilled in each one of us: “Listen to your children, show them to Jesus, the Savior, as our way, our truth and life, and our hope.”[2].

Happy Feast of the Virgin of Luján!

In Christ and Mary Most Holy,

M. María Corredentora Rodríguez

Superior General


[1]John Paul II, Homily in the Mass celebrated in the Shrine of Luján, June 11, 1982, 7.

[2]Ibid., 8.